The September House

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Today’s review is going to be much different. I debated not reviewing this book at all but I did spend a chunk of time reading it, and then after researching some reviews and reading those. This review is different because I DNF’d it pretty early on. I think it just was not what I was expecting and I was not connecting with what it actually was. So let’s talk about the parts of the book I read and why I DNF’d.


Margaret and her then-husband purchase the home of their dreams after spending years thinking they would never get the opportunity. They go to visit the home as a formality but are not really listening to the real estate agent. But they go through with the purchase and boom it’s theirs! They move into the house and tell their daughter so she can visit as soon as she is able. The first Septemeber they are in the home the walls start to bleed. They bleed with blood and Margaret tries to clean the walls to save the wallpaper and paint but it literally comes right back so now several years later and her husband has left she just leaves the walls to bleed and cleans it up at the end of September. Aside from the house bleeding, there are weird sounds all night long (that definitely do not help when you are trying to sleep or work). However, Margaret is not living in the house alone there is an older woman who was once a housekeeper and is now a ghost from what happened here and a little boy who does not talk but will definitely try to bite you also a ghost. But Margaret refuses to leave and give up the home of her dreams.

I expected this to be a fun horror story about a house. So when the book started on Margaret and her family and their dream of home ownership I was super ready for some weird murder house. While they did buy a murder house, I was not prepared for Margaret to know about and accept living with ghosts. I read on for a little while and even tried the audiobook but things were just not clicking for me. I think these ghosty type houses are just not the type of horror I was expecting. If you have read this book definitely let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear some other thoughts and maybe I can have my mind changed about this type of horror.

Goodreads Rating: 1 Star (marked as DNF)

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