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I have been a busy reader lately and have been considering making a TBR (gasp)! I do not typically make a monthly TBR, but I do have a TBR cart. I am very much a mood reader but I also like to read what becomes available on my Libby. I often put audiobooks on hold and I know other people are most likely waiting so I try to read those first so others are not waiting so long for me. But I wanted to take an audiobook break and read a graphic novel that I had borrowed on my Hoopla account. I took to my account via my Kindle and saw that I still had Merry-Go-Round out so I decided that would be my evening read!

This graphic novel is a bit different, so I am going to try hard not to spoil anything but be warned after this there may be spoilers.

In this graphic novel, we explore various relationships (mostly romantic but we definitely see some friendships as well). We see how days and hours can change things between people. How conversations and lack of communication can affect people and how they view one another. We also see very real potential consequences to the actions that happen in a relationship (or do not happen because you did not take a chance). Overall, I enjoyed this graphic novel a lot and getting to explore all the different relationships and all the different situations. I am someone who tends to like to get attached to a character so I was not sure how I would feel about a graphic novel like this (where we are changing characters a lot) but I honestly found it was like reading a mini story within each chapter. I definitely recommend giving this graphic novel a try!

Goodreads Rating: 3 Stars

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