Darling Girls

Hello Again!

June is absolutely flying by. I feel like I have tons of things going on and all the balls in the air currently but hopefully, it will all settle down soon as I begin to complete many of my pending tasks that need attention. Typically I like to listen to audiobooks while I do tasks (and sometimes music depending on the mood of the day). I have never pre-ordered an audiobook but recently I noticed I had several credits on an audiobook service and I knew I really wanted to read Darling Girls, so I decided to use a credit to pre-order the audiobook of Darling Girls. I am absolutely glad I did (and I think I will now be placing holds or pre-ordering audiobooks more often).


Miss Fairchild lived in a small town on the outer edge on a good-sized piece of land. She has neighbors but they are not super close, she also has a nice-sized home. Miss Fairchild makes a choice to foster and adopt a child and then eventually two others. With the first child, they developed a very solid relationship and things were great but as more children were added to the family things began to change and change quickly. Miss Fairchild goes from very nice and caring to incredibly mean and even abusive. She neglects the smaller children and relies on the older children to care for them. She locks them in the basement area as a punishment for long amounts of time whenever they do anything that sets her off. Now as adults, the children have moved far away but remained friends. One day, they all receive a call that a body was found at Miss Fairchild’s home and they are all called back to the house. But whose body is it? Did Miss Fairchild have a child of her own? Is there a child they are not remembering because it was too traumatic? What if they run into Miss Fairchild while they are there?

This book was such a wild ride. It was interesting to see the past of the girls and how their interactions with Miss Fairchild changed. Getting the opportunity to meet both Miss Fairchild and the girls in the past and present helped me to connect some of the dots of the past and make guesses at who the person they found might be but I definitely did not guess correctly. (Which is always fun). I would definitely try another book by this author in the near future!

Goodreads Rating: 4 Stars

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