Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, Vol. 1

Hi Again!

Never have I ever….DNF’d a manga (if we were playing I would absolutely need to drink here). Up until the other day I had never DNF’d a manga but that has very recently changed. I bought a whole bunch of first volumes of different mangas on my Kindle. I wanted to start trying manga on there and if I truly fall in love with a series, then I will buy the physical copies. I am trying to be more conscious of my book collection and how I pick up books before I even know if I will care or like them. (I am a really big cover buyer and it’s a problem). Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun was something I picked up on my Kindle and the other night I charged it up and took it to the couch to cozy up with what I had hoped would be a super cute and fun manga.

SPOILERS AHEAD (This summary will only be slightly spoilery as I am going to keep it very high level, I do not want to affect anyone else’s opinions or thoughts about trying this manga).

In the manga, we follow a group of high school students, one of whom draws a shojo manga outside of school but uses the people in their real life to create characters. One of the other students in the group is the manga assistant. As the story goes on we see how the manga is created, who the creator’s inspirations are, and some fun weird adventures.

Recently I did learn that this manga has an anime adaptation, so I will definitely give that a try as I think the story they are trying to convey and the characters would translate much better on screen. There were times when I was reading where it felt like the plot was moving so fast it did not much sense (there are several other animes that I love that do this and after watching for a bit I tried their mangas and loved them). I am excited to jump into the anime very soon (hopefully on another cozy rainy night)!

Goodreads Rating: 1 Star (DNF)

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