Tilly in Technicolor

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I have been cleaning and going through my bookshelves unhauling books and making up a new TBR cart for myself. As I was doing this I stumbled onto my copy of Tilly in Technicolor. I really wanted to read this book when I pre-ordered it and I wondered if my Libby had a copy. It still sounded like a fun coming-of-age book with lots of adventure and I thought it might be the perfect read to take me out of my own head and have lots of fun with reading. I saw that Libby had a copy available so I decided to go ahead and borrow the copy and begin my read (I did end up switching between the audiobook and physical copy as I read).


Tilly has finally made her way through high school. She is incredibly relieved that she did it but she does not feel that college is the next step for her. Tilly wants something different than her older sister’s path. Her parents always compare Tilly to her sister and Tilly is super over it. Her sister went to a great college and started a company with a college friend. This summer is Tilly’s chance to prove to her family she can do more if she does not go to college and to have lots of fun and adventures. This summer Tilly is going to Europe without her parents to do an internship with her sister’s company. They will be traveling all over the place for meetings, marketing, etc… Tilly is beyond excited for this trip and once she is finally on the plane, she is seated next to someone who is less than nice but Tilly will not let that get her down, she is on the way to London and her dreams. When Tilly arrives she very quickly discovers that the same rude guy who she was seated next to on the plane will be the photographer she has to work with. But Tilly is still determined to make the most of the trip and maybe just maybe Tilly will be able to help her sister, get a boyfriend, and achieve all her own dreams, doing it all her way.

This was a perfect adventure book to get me out of my reading slump. I loved meeting Tilly, and the entire group she spent time with on the trip. Watching Tilly figure out that her dreams of not going to college could come true and learning that she is talented was so amazing. It is a struggle for anyone when you graduate high school and try to figure out what comes next for you (and an even bigger struggle when your family idolizes your sibling’s pathway). I would absolutely read more books about Tilly’s life in the future (if those were to happen, I have not seen anything that says that they are, but I am keeping my fingers crossed). In the meantime, let me know in the comments what fun adventure books you have picked up!

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars

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