I Felt Myself Slipping

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Last week, I tried really hard to focus on my reading and make it through the week. Each night wrapping up work and spending time reading in my favorite cozy space in my home. I also set up my wax melter and put in some fun fall scents (I know it is summer but I love fall scents so much)! Sitting in this spot each night I was able to read quite a bit over the week. I am not sure if I was just in the reading zone last week or if the books were just really bringing it but either way, I am excited to chat about what I read! One of the first things I picked up was a graphic novel E-ARC of I Felt Myself Slipping (thank you so much to the publishers for the E-ARC in exchange for my honest opinions).


The gymnasts at Station Six gymnastics are hard-working and driven but they also all support one another. Kota a long-time gymnast at Station Six has been working hard to try to make their Olympic dreams come true. This year as Kota is running to gymnastics one day, Kota sees another person on the path ahead of them. Which is highly unusual, Kota is the only one who takes this pathway to Station Six. Once at practice, Kota learns they have a new team member named Riley. Riley and her dad have just moved here but she has been in gymnastics for a long time. On top of being new to the area, her dad works a lot and she recently lost her other father (which has been devasting for her and her dad). Riley is also feeling isolated because she does not really have any friends here not even at gymnastics. Riley has hearing problems and speaks ASL, during gymnastics Riley takes her hearing aides out. The coach has told everyone on the team and has offered to teach ASL to anyone interested. Kota really wants to talk to Riley so Kota takes the initiative and begins to learn ASL and eventually begins to try to talk to Riley. Riley and Kota strike up a friendship and begin to really bond, even sharing their dreams and secrets for their lives and for gymnastics!

I really enjoyed my time with this graphic novel. Getting to know both Riley and Kota as well as their families, gave a small peak into the world of gymnastics and how tough it can be to make your gymnast dreams come true. I also really loved seeing Kota, want to learn ASL and want to be friends with Riley. Kota preserved and even spoke with their family about how they communicated in the past when they had their own barriers. I definitely recommend picking up this graphic novel when it hits shelves on September 10th, 2024!

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars

****Thank you so much to the publisher for the E-ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

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